“We manufacture all kinds of parts. Exactly the ones you need, and in the volume, you require!”

We have about fifteen CNC machining centres at our disposal. We can work with all materials in a range from light to medium-heavy. We handle weights from a few grams up to approximately one ton, and for lathe work, our capabilities extend to pieces with diameters of up to half a meter and lengths of up to one and a half meters. In milling, we can accommodate workpieces of approximately 2 x 1 meters in size. However, there’s no piece so long or so uniquely shaped that we won’t consider it. Additionally, we have a comprehensive manual machine department for repair and maintenance tasks.

Saman katon alta saamme tarjottua myös ohutlevyosat ja hitsaukset. Myös kokoonpanot onnistuvat kaikenlaisissa volyymeissä. Tyypillinen koneistus ohutlevyosiin on jonkinlainen upotus, senkki tai kierre. Työstämme kaikkia työstettävissä olevia metalleja ja muoveja sekä monia muitakin aineita. Olemme mielellämme avuksi myös suunnittelussa. Jos kaipaat esimerkiksi konsultointia osan valmistettavuuteen liittyen, otahan yhteyttä!

By Your Side Through the Entire Production Process – From Sheet Metal to Product

We provide our customers with expert support and co-operation throughout the entire project. We are ready to assist you in the design phase and offer technical guidance to ensure the end result meets your expectations.

Our aim is to establish long-term partnerships with our customers and ensure that every collaboration is successful.

What kinds of materials do we process? What information should be provided at the beginning of a project? How do we handle deliveries?

Answers to these and many other questions related to processes, services, and production can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions page, where you’ll also find various documentation and materials.

See how sheet metal transforms into finished products at our factory.

Let’s kick off a project together – get in touch.

Janne Männistö

Business Director
+358 44 7739 452


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